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50 Stairs a Day Ups Cardiovascular Health

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As little as 50 stairs a day improves cardiovascular health (and thus brain health). Don’t sell your stairs. Even if they feel hard. Even if your knees hurt. If you do, soon you’ll find stairs out in the world almost impossible and you’ll also miss out on an everyday way to improve health.

Have a Glass of Diabetes?

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Make health behaviors easier by keeping them in-the-moment and front-of-mind. How to use cognitive reframing to either enjoy a few drinks when you want to and say “no” to a ‘glass of diabetes’ when you don’t want to.

Is Everything Snake Oil?

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The OG snake oil was…snake oil. Now it’s available just about everywhere and comes in endless forms. It seems like everything is snake oil. But the fundamentals of a healthy and happy life haven’t changed.

Here Wegovy Again…

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Obesity – because we know how genes work – cannot be genetic. Wegovy and Ozempic treatments without healthy behavior change will be a disaster. Nature will push back harder than we can push it if we fail to use the new drugs as a catalyst for lifestyle change.

Your Brain (Health) on Drugs

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What if we took even just 10% of the cost of a new so-so treatment for Alzheimer’s, and gave that amount to 10 people to invest in brain healthy lifestyle choices? What gives us the most bang for all those bucks? Leqembi or Lifestyle?

We Don’t. They Do.

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We don’t need more research. Scientists do. When it comes to brain health and exercise, there’s ample evidence to show clear benefit. But every study mentions the need for more research. If you’re a fitness pro or just a member of the public, you don’t need more research, but more action.