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Slacktivity Trackers

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Trackers don’t stop slackers. If they create a sense of discovery that enhances the experience of being you, wonderful. If they reinforce the notion that you’re never doing “enough” then they suck. It all depends on you.

Exciting Back Page News!

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Exciting Back Page News! A teensy-weensy benefit from a drug to treat brain disease is treated like the moon landing. Big benefit from fitness is usually buried in the back pages, but it’s actually the bigger news. 6-minute HIIT workout boosts BDNF more than 90-minute light intensity, and more than intermittent fasting, and certainly more than Lecanemab.

Wear Something Out

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Get out there and just wear something out this year! Hiking boots, ice skates, bike tires, walking shoes…pick something in your life that needs to get worn out and get moving.

From Fear to Fun in Fitness

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Die later or enjoy now? Our brains prioritize short-term threats and opportunities and discount long-term ones. What does this mean for motivation and exercise? 3 Key Questions on fear and negative reinforcement answer that question.